The Spring Leprecats are coming on March 14 — complete quests to get special dolls with various valuable resources and Soul Stones for different Heroes!
What is in the Leprecat Dolls?
2 Leprecat Dolls
1, 5 or 10 Hero Soul Stones of either:
Astrid and Lucas, Daredevil, Dark Star, Fox, Ginger
1 Great Enchantment Rune
1 Rare Enchantment Rune
5 Absolute (RED) Artifact Essences, Absolute Artifact Metals, or Absolute Artifact Scrolls
5 Huge EXP Potions
50 Agility, Intelligence, or Strength Skin Stones
100 Artifact Coins
100 Outland Coins
100,000 or 500,000 Gold