What are the most efficient buys from the Cosmic Battle Shop?

What are the Best Buys from Cosmic Battles Event Shop?
The items with the XÂ and XXÂ are the "most efficient" buys! (click to enlarge)

What's in the Cosmic Battle Chests?
What HeroWarsCentral Says You Should Buy
Newer Players, and Free2Play
Buy Items! The amount of time and energy you will save if you buy items cannot be emphasized enough.
Buy Skin Stone Chests! every team of 5 heroes will need over 1 million skin stones. It will be a loooooong time before these lose their value.
Older Players, Whales
Absolute Artifact Chests! These are extremely valuable for 2 reasons:
It's the only item in the shop you cannot buy(or farm for) directly normally.
It's currently one of the primary resource bottlenecks for higher end/whale players