Common Game Terms
Absolute: 6 stars evolution
AoE: area of effect; damage directed at an area of a lineup and its surrounding enemies
AP: armor penetration
Aura: Dorian’s initiation (violet) skill
Auto attack: basic attacks your heroes perform to gain energy and use skills
Auto mode: letting the AI play for you; activates skills immediately when available
Blender: opting for extra damage in a lineup instead of healing/support/control
Bob: K’arkh
Buff: a positive status effect
Control: the control role; negative status effects that hinder enemies
Counter: a hero or lineup that effectively negates or lessens the effectiveness of another
Crit: crit hit chance
DD: Daredevil
Debuff: a negative status effect
Default: the skin a hero starts with
DPS: damage per second; heroes whose primary function is dealing damage
Drop: an item looted from the campaign
Energy: gained during battle and used to activate ultimate (white) skills
F2P: free to play; not spending real money on the game.
Farm: replaying campaign missions to drop specific items
Game clock: 24 hour period between daily quest resets
Gems: emeralds
GoE: gift of elements
Guild clock: 24 hour period between guild activity resets
Healer: the healer role; a hero who can restore health
MA: magic attack stat
Mage: the mage role
Manual mode: choosing which skills to activate and when to activate them during battle
Marksman: the marksman role
MD: magic defense
Meta: most effective tactic available
MP: magic penetration
Multi target: damage that targets multiple positions
ODH: Orion, Dorian, Helios
P2P/P2W: pay to play, or pay to win; spending real money to save time or gain an advantage
PA: physical attack Passive: a skill that is always active or in effect
Position: one of five spots a hero can fill in a team lineup Main/Primary stat: the stat (agility, intelligence, or strength) a hero is assigned in its profile
RNG: random number generator; how developers calculate randomness
Role: one of six designations that helps define what a hero brings to a lineup
Single target: damage targeting a single position
Spheres: titan spheres
Stacking: gaining new stat bonuses on top of previously gained bonuses
Stones: skin stones or soul stones
Supers: super titans
Support: the support role; positive status effects that benefit teammates
Synergy: interactions between heroes that provide additional benefit
Tanks: the tank role; the function a hero typically provides by standing in the 1st position
Team level: your player level (not hero level)
Timeout: winning or losing due to the battle timer counting down to 0:00
Twins: Krista and Lars
Ult: Ultimate (white) skill
Vampirism: the ability to regain a portion of health from damage dealt to enemies
Warrior: the warrior role White/Green/Blue/Violet/Orange/Red: referring to colors of resources, skills, and promotion levels